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Saturday, April 27 2024

If you are not getting my newsletter please sign up again on the home page and make sure you add   - to your  address book.   I am still getting a high number of errors when I send out newsletters,  They  now have to come from the above email and my server sends them to my personal email.   Google thinks I am spam and kicks me back unless you have this in your address book.  

Funny how you can go for years doing it one way and then suddenly it changes - thats technoligy for us.

Thanks so much 


Posted by: Rebecca AT 06:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, April 27 2024

Hi Everyone,  

Just wanted to let you know that I am fully recovered, feeling great and have been back in the studio every day and loving it.   I am walking 2 miles almost daily, rejoined my local quilt guild and art guild.  I have been enjoying getting back to normal and playing with fabrics, woolfelting, embroidery and lol I just placed a new order for leather to make a few things again.  

My turn around time is back to normal 3-4 weeks,  With being home by myself most of the time I get alot more work done.   I hope to be able to offer hand binding again soon so stay tuned!   I am accepting new customers again so please feel free to give my name out to your friends.

Hope to see and/or hear from you all very soon

Happy Quilting


Posted by: Rebecca AT 06:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, February 16 2024

yeah!! Spring is almost here.  Our days here in NC are running in the 60's and lows at night are in the 30's.  I am getting out walking and feeling good.  

I had my 6 month with the Cardo Dr and all looks good - another 6 months on the Blood eds and I can come off of those as long as I continue to do my walking and eat healthy.  My weight as almost to goal.

I had my check up with the orthopedic for the carpel tunnel - the surgery has healed really well but I still have tingling.  He explained that the nerves regenerate at 1mm per day so I have about 150 days from the tunnel to the end of my finger.  I have full use of the hands and still wear a brace on each at night.  I have decided to postpone the right hand until just before Christmas of 24 that way I will be healed for work by mid Jan at the latest (I was quilting 8 days after the left hand) and there is always the possibility that using the braces I may not need the surgery on the right hand at all by Christmas.  Here is hoping.  

I hope every one is staying warm, healthy and happy and please send the quilts my way.  Right now it has been really slow and I am bored - That is not a good thing for me.   I have however pieced a few quilts of my own - I made one for my grandson and then he quilted it himself.  He will start working with me a few days a week learning on his own or charity quilts.  So far he has done really well with it and shows a natural talent for quilting.  He made is very 1st quit when he was 5 - he is almost 21 now and it has been a pleasure for me to watch him and my granddaughter blossom into such wonderful adults.  This Sunday we Celebrate my granddaughters 22 birthday.  She enjoys the quilting as well but is studying and working as a Vet Tech.  I am so proud of them both.

All for now, Doing good and ready to get back to work,


Posted by: Rebecca AT 03:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 09 2024

Surgery on the left hand went well on Friday.   The Swelling is finally coming down today (Day 4)  I think yesterday was the worst.  Tomorrow I can take the bandage off and use a simple Waterproof small bandaid and can use the had a little more.  Today is my first real attempt to come into the studio and do just a few simple task and since typing is one of the things I can do I thought this was a good time to update everyone.

Jan 16th I go to get stitches out and at that point I can use the hand as much as I want to - The fingers are a bit stiff so I am sure it will take a bit to get back up to full speed- I am looking foward to it.  I have spent most of the past 4 days watching movies and series and as nice as that sounds I am bored.  I am used to being on the move all the time.

Expecting a winter storm in late this afternoon - Please God keep the power on.....

All for now


Posted by: Rebecca AT 11:45 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, December 20 2023

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year

2023 has flown past me, so many changes this year – From my Grandson moving in the us last Dec.  My Mothers Passing in March to my heart attack in July.  I am so very blessed and grateful to be here every day. 

I enjoy my life and my quilting is not only my passion but, in many ways, a lifeline for me. I cherish meeting new people and seeing all the beauty that comes into my home every day.  The hardest part of what I do is not to fall in love with every quilt I see.  The past month has been a challenge in that area, and I confess I did buy several quilt kits on Etsy – Several Kaffe Fassette and a few Jane Austin.  Some new fabrics for my newest Grandson we expect in March 24.   

I am still trying to use up much of my old fabric as well.  After donating a lot of mom’s fabric’s and combining hers with mine – Oh my so much fabric.  3 full bins of FQ’s and so far, I have made 6 Turning Twenty quilts and 4 smaller quilts to go Charity.   And yet I have been Bitten by the quilting Bug to work with newer things so I cannot wait to get to work on that.

My Grandson (20 years old) Just did all the quilting on the quilt I made for him.  I was able to teach him to use the machine and he did everything from start to finish – He did a fantastic job.  When he is finished doing the binding, I will post a photo on the Website.  His goal now is to piece a quilt from choosing the pattern, fabrics, sewing , quilting and binding.    Both of my grandkids have been a tremendous help to me over the past several months – Neither one has a great deal of time and yet they make time when I need them to. 

2024 plans:  I have consulting with the Ortho Dr’s and after a few ex-rays and test it is official I have Carpal Tunnel in both hands of Moderate degree.  Since I have already tried all the conservative approaches of drugs and braces, I will be having surgery.  The left hand (the worst) will be done Jan 5th.  There is a 2-week time frame that I will have to be more careful in what I am doing.  Then I am encouraged to just use my hand as normal.   2 months later in March I am set to have the right hand done and repeat the process.    I have spoken to many quilters who have had this done and feel confident that it is a fairly easy process.  Both patients and the Dr have told me that the tingling goes away right away in most cases.  Keep good thoughts for me – I am so ready to have this behind me to get on with my life and build a new normal.

Please feel free to keep the quilts with no real time frames that you need them done by coming!  I can use the work both to stay busy and to work my hands but more in my time frame so If I need a break, I can sit and rest without worry of deadlines.    

I will post on my blog on the website my progress to keep you updated.

I thank you in advance for all your support and I look forward to a wonderful 2024!


Posted by: Rebecca AT 09:29 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, November 01 2023

A Cold Winding Day here in NC to start off November with. It has finally warmed up to 44 degrees.

I hope this newsletter reaches all of you, the last several attempts failed but my webhost has the answer. You will notice this email is coming from this is my email with the website and it seems when I use my own gmail account the web is flagging me as spam and filtering them so most of you never even get it.  For housekeeping purposes, you might want to add this email as well as my gmail to your contacts. (yes 2 s’s) and  the gmail is the best way to communicate with me or text messages at 704-737-5596.

I am not sure how many people know I have a blog on my website – I will be posting updates there more often so please check it out. I will also post the newsletter in case you miss it. I feel the blog will be a much easier way to quickly communicate anything new.

Now that is out of the way. I am feeling much better, getting used to the drugs they have me on – I should be able to come off some in 6 months or so and some I hope that with my diet and exercise we can at the least reduce the dose. Most importantly I am feeling much better and have really been able to work on quilting and keeping up with them. I am running right at 5 weeks turn around – I will be starting a 45 day turn around. Still time for Christmas. I am also accepting new customers again, I had to stop that temporally.

I am fully vaccinated again so I will be letting customers in again to get out of the cold. Just do not let me stand and talk for long as it really wears me out sometimes and we want to get your quilts done.

I will post some new patterns this week, I just cannot help myself. Always new and exciting patterns to find.

Wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving season and I hope to hear from you all very soon. Do me a favor and respond to the email so I know you are getting them again.

Best as always


Posted by: Rebecca AT 10:53 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 14 2023

I am having a hard time getting the newsletter out - In the meantime keep checking the blog and here is a copy of what did go out but it seems only one person received it.  It looks like I am getting blocked as spam.  I hope to have that fixed next month when the email count recycles.

Hello everyone!  It has been a while since I have sent out a newsletter and I have a lot to cover.

First just let me tell you I am doing fine.  It has been a year that is for sure, but I am so very blessed with family and friends (you are all my friends, and I cannot thank you enough for all your patience and understanding)

Many of you will already know most of this information but it is rather fluid from day to day and week to week,

Sadly, we started out our year with the loss of my Wonderful Mom who passed rather suddenly March 29th.   The next few months were spent coping with her loss and all that entails.

Just as we were all finding our new normal, I had a heart attack July 18th. Very long story but ladies it is so important to listen to our bodies.  I never presented as a heart attack however I was very blessed to have EMT and Er Doctors will to listen to me and after 3 days of tested I received 3 stents in my right artery that was 99% blocked.   It was not until I got home and started reading my test results that I saw the troponin level reading a very high level and then was confirmed with me by my Dr during the follow up a few days later that in fact I did have a heart attack.  Fortunately, no damage to my heart but life changing non the less.

The worst part is the side effects of all the drugs, blood thinners and high doses of cholesterol meds.  I was on a Diabetic medication for the first 2 months (Dr and I have to talk about this one) of which I took myself off and am testing my sugar levels on a regular basis.  I did tell my Dr this, It was to the point I was not eating and that cannot be healthy.

I now walk several times a week 4-5 and am eating healthy with the Mediterranean diet. (even my grandkids like the food) 

Now with all the walking and cooking I have even found time and energy to build back up to quilting.  I am happy to tell you that I am back to the 45-60 day turn around.  As of this email I am fully caught up working on all quilts received in Sept to be completed in Oct and feel pretty good about getting everything done in a timely manner. 

If you have Christmas quilts that are needed for this year, just let me know and I can put them ahead of others that are not needed up to a point,

Keep an eye on my blog for changes that might happen as I get stronger (its on my website) Sometimes it is easier to post there real quick than to send out a long newsletter.

A new order form has been posted on the website that you should take a look at and print out.  Some of the changes are the turnaround time, Binding (  I no longer offer hand binding – it is just too hard on my hands )  I still do the front only and machine binding.

I am doing an at the door drop off and pick up only – due to the uptick of covid its better safe than sorry.

I will be posting some new patterns soon so keep an eye out for that.

Thanks again for all your prayers during my time of need.


Posted by: Rebecca AT 10:52 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, September 25 2023

Things are looking better and better every day.  I feel confident that I can do a 45-60 day turn around.  I still get days that I don't feel great and have to take more breaks than the old me - mostly side effects from all the new meds but the Cardiac Rehab and my Cardiac Dr assures me I am fine.   I am walking several times and week, eating healthy and taking meds as prescribed.   I don't like the meds part but that just gives me an incentive to do them so I can get off them sooner.

I am still having some issues with my hands but I am able to do the machine bindings and the Front only bindings,  I have even started back to work on a quilt I started for my grandson back in Jan.  Life is looking up.

We still have a little bit of time for Holiday quilts if you need.

Newletter will be coming soon but for now I can update you easier on the blog.

Thanks so much for all your support


Posted by: Rebecca AT 10:51 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, September 19 2023

A Lot has happened in this year,  My mom passed away March 29th and just as we were getting through that I had a heart attack 

 In mid July.  I am recovering and working just a good bit slower.  I take breaks when I need to, I get my walks in and cook a healthy meal.   Anyway after both of these things happening back to back, and to be honest the heart attack took me down for almost a solid month so I am so glad to be back in my studio, my happyplace,  I have gone to a 60-90 day turn around time.  Right now I am doing good and staying ahead of things but these things have taught me that I must build in more of a cushion and more relaxing time for me.

My Mother also did all my binding for me,  I have been able to handle the machine bindings but I no longer offer hand binding with the exception on sewing on the front side only.  I know many of my customers are not able to do there own binding so I just ask if you are able to do the binding please do and if you can not I am willing to do Maching.

Thank you so much for all your understanding 

I am getting stronger every day


Posted by: Rebecca AT 04:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 01 2022

I am back to quilting full time with both machines running.   I am accepting new customers for shipping and local.    You can call or email for an appointment or to let me know you are dropping a quilt in the mail.  If you call, you will get me voice mail right away until I add you to my contacts,  (Sorry with all the spam calls this is a must to maintain sanity)  Just leave me a message and I will call you back just as soon as I can.

Please read my tips etc.  found on the quilting_prices page, in the upper left hand corner you will find the order form and several tips on preparing you quilt and backing.  

Thanks so much and I look forward to meeting new people as well and seeing some familiar faces.

Happy Quilting


Posted by: Rebecca AT 01:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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Where Quilts Get Finished! ™

The Quilters Station
Where Quilts Get Finished!™
Est 1999

8401 Live Oak Rd
Harrisburg, NC 28075
Cell:  704 -737 -5596
Email: rverrierwatt @